Saturday, August 18, 2012

Salam Lebaran.

Assalammualaikum :)

Hi :D Happy Eid Ul Fitr to all muslimin on the earth. Hik :)

On the night of first Syawal. Feldarian busy with the mercun and bungapi :)
Here the flows from Ramadhan to Syawal raya yeayy!

Puasa 25
Since the bus got stuck there -.- so then we'd to postpone our nawaitu to licinkan poket bapak.
#Masjid Negara.
2 days before raya.
These three lil bro busy visiting the ayam pencen for rewwndang Nenek :D
Malam raya. Kakwaa :D
*Orang bandar bakar lemang :)
#Bapak dont know how to do such this membakar work,
but then he try his best to do so :D Heww. 
First raya >> Gemas, Negeri Sembilan.. Next next days, >> Gombak :) 

Salam Syawal..
Nadirah Azli. I/C 950717-14-0000. Semenyih, Malaysia. Haha k.
K. Since *she always do TERsakitkan hati TERkutuk TERpukul TERngumpat TER and all sort of TER on manyyy people~
so now she would to seek apologize from evelyyone :) Halalkan makan minum ilmu yang dituangkan kepadaku. K hope you guys could forgive me. And pray for my success on this coming SPM. 
! Hewww SPM'S TRIAL just around the bed hellouh -.- Eh k. Tata. Much heart, ND.