Bonjour people :b
1st APRIL what's the different between this post and the last post(last month) ..?
ans: the name of the month ofcozzz. HAHAHA April fool :o) *fool face* gaaaaaaaaa~
Quite long since Ive stop writing posting blabla. *ayat ketinggalan zaman yang selalu digunakan by me* KAHAKSKAHAKSSS. Papejea.
Beberapa hari yang lepas, keputusan SPM telah diumumkan. Alhamdulillah, aku lulus semua subs dengan jayanya hehehe. My result wasnt so good as I thought. Sad you know sad. Im expecting I'll get 7A's and above and at the end, I got less than what Ive targeted. Sokay then. InshaAllah peluang masih ada. Dak dak sc stream sentiasa ada peluang untuk kejar bidang yang taffff, banyak A ke tak banyak A, inshaAllah kalau ada rezeki adalah ia *bak kata guru tusyen time PMR*
Till then, no need to write here how many A's I got till.. Im mentally ready. Hahaha nobody want to know actually and Im just pretending like Ive a pembaca-setia at here. Takpe I love uolls.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Ya ketawa hambar, sukati saya.
Hm tammat -
After 3 months stayed at kapung, akhirnya ambo done making lesen kereta. Alhamdulillah. Yay. Thanks a lot to my Nanny(nenek), Atok, Maksu, Umi, Ayah, Paksu, Imal. Terutamanya nenek, the one who had paid for my lesen kereta which cost RM1000+ *for car's license only, and I hated em, so do they(orang-orang di institut memandu)*.. And the others cs had giving me strength and supported me untuk mendapatkan lesen. Hahaha lame me.. Takpe, I love you all, except for the people kat instistut memandu - . - Tak lupa juga pada Ikram. Abe yang selalu ada tika ambo seney atau susoh. Memuah xx
chio, ND.