Sunday, April 17, 2011

-live with laugh

yea, people just a human being. no one can escape from facing world's problem. so that, do nice and careful with your life... for the girls, take care ourselves. so many bad human now to take advantages from us. for boys, rajin-rajin laa du and be a gentleman ouh. nowadays boys malu tahap extreme! if kat social networking, handphone or blabla memang super berani action.
haa, okay -.- err actually i just want to say, Goodluck and have a nice day! this life is too short to live with sadsuckshit situation. Friends mean everything for us, after family. Boyfriends or girlfriends <--- they are important too, but as teenagers we shouldn't LOVE them more than Mr.Books :)
take it easy, and err *speechless now*

bybye c(:
DiNo DiNo

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