Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I've to decide my path for the future from now. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

So >> Kejuruteraan seni bina & Medical : Psychology .

Kejuruteraan seni bina : I've to struggle more on my Physic and le Art maybe could be my extra opportunity to get more success in this course.
Then something like "kedoktoran, mostly related to le Biology. Talk about Bio things~ Huuur I'm so super-super lazy in doing le homework(Notesss)
Hurrr hurrrrrrrrrrrr T_______T *No doctor could write a note-panjang-lebarrr everyday -..- Heeeeeeeeeeeeh. But some true-fact-LOL~ Le me is a student now. SO that is the main reason why ME should write a NOTE for each subject heh :D

P/s : Help me anyone?
SPM STRAIGHT A's + InshaAllah
Le kawad was failed. You know F?
I mean FFF. F for faileeeeeeeeeeeeeeed T.T 
Tsssssssssssk T^T ~ ND.


Fatin Nur Nabilah Roslan said...

Assalamualaikum ,

Semoga berjaya dunia dan akhirat . ALLAH berkati semua pelajar smkbr .

#Nad tangan lukis ni (:

Namika said...

Waalakumsalam kak Nabila. Hurm inshaAllah :) !
Haha biasa-2 jeh ;)