Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Someone come into your life either to give good lessons or bad. They always come for a reason; reason to help ourselves to grow to a better adult on one fine day.
Theres a quote,
People come and go. Nobody ever stay.

I wish, i'll die for good (in a good way where you'll get pahala from it) when the world no longer needs me. Then i'll stop torturing myself by being rebel towards God...

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Sampai satu tahap maksima, aku malas nak ambil tahu dah. Malas sangat sampai nak ingat nama dia pun merimaskan. Malas gila sampai rasa nak sasarkan tumbukan dimukanya sampai pecah. Dan sebenarnya, bila malas dan marah disatukan, aku bukan kawan yang manis lagi. Sekian.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014


Youre not in my shoes
You wouldnt feel what i've been thru.

And i know,
Everyone's problem is different
Perhaps they've been experience more even difficult moments.

I should be grateful,
Because Allah is testing my iman and
i have His attention on me..

Well, problems growth your maturity. Hm.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunway Penang.




Monday, September 8, 2014

Hari ni.

Hari ni,
Hari Monday,
Hari yang paling jauh dengan Sunday,
Tp Sunday dengan Monday sesangaaaat dekat aku frust,
Sunday setia disisi Monday..
Final exam tak lama je lagi,
Final sem pun tak lama je lagi oh!
Hati aku menangis kerana gembira,
Dengan izin-Nya bakal graduate la aku drpd matrik yg indah ini,
Aku turut ketawa kerana dalam jiwa terterbit sayu,
Aku bakal meninggalkan insan yg pernah menuang dakwat pelbagai warna dlm lembaran hati ini ♥
Masakan perlu aku merintih kesedihan dalam menjalani hari-hari berbaki,
Takpa. Layankan saja.
Hargai dan reda dengan setiap rencana Tuhan yg tersedia,
Tugas kita,
buang yg keruh ambil yg jernih,
Thats more than enough,
Belajar bersyukur. Senyum.
Umur menginjak tua pemikiran ke arah dewasa,
Jangan biarkan diri terus menebal kebebalannnya,
Stay constant dgn perangai hantu tak cuba berubah batu membesar di kepala pula,
Nak ke jadi orang berupa kera sombong selamanya?
Tak tak tak tidaaaaak!
Kena berubah,
Bukan berubah jadi plastik,
Tapi jadi kacang hijau bila bercambah jadi sayur tauge,
Ada juga perubahan ke arah kebaikannya.
Ini #NoteToSelf juga ^^
Stay humble stay simple stay cute stay Me stay happy say adios babai ~

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Heart things

Well ive stopped being noob in love thingy. Hahahahahaha aku stop apa aku pun tak tahu ~
Tapi, i must stay cool and cold and being cute me all the time. Be happy. Stop hopping too much on else bcs i can really stand on my own feet yah!

Siapa kata kamunya keseorangan tak berpunya
Kalau sebenarnya Kanan Kiri ada yg menjaga

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Sambut kemerdekaan Malaysia yang ke 57 di Kem BTN, Kaki Bukit, Perlis.
Merasai pengalaman acah-acah askar zaman dahulu kala, berjalan dalam kegelapan malam,
dikelilingi hutan tebal, bersama-sama dgn pasukan Pendekar,
 dan sampai ke penamatnya dgn selamat Alhamdulillah.
It's a great memory.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Last Silang Budaya.

Last beraya di Kmpp.

Dearest princesses 
Photo cc to our Beloved Tice Mazlina 
(the one who taught us from zero to hero A+++)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Kantin B.

That small eyes of yours.
With a sweet smile on the face.
Humble and soft like a green cotton candy.
I do liking you since our first meet. it's a meeting not a dating tho (so aku dah boleh stop perasantan daripada awal).
And i have that same feeling on you until today. Almost 2 years, but you'll never realize. I'm okay with that.
Tapi.. I dont know if you already have someone-special in the heart.
Sebenarnya "aku tak okay with that"..

If you dont mind, may i know wheres my position in your days ahead? I am coursemates, i know that. But can i ask for the specific answer?


May time fly heals everything. I'll keep wishing.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


I once had a dream. A funny yet sweet dream. i guess...

The dream begun when..
I was awake on a gloomy morning. Some crowd noises i could heard from the outside of my room. Then i saw a set of baju melayu, a green one for sure. i was wondering whose baju is that.

Someone answered me,
"itu baju laki kamu la. Dah bangun bangun nak kawen kejap lagi kan?"
I was like...
"hah?! Kawen! Kawen mendaaa tetiba bangun pagi ni".

I jumped off from my bed and hide behind the door, hoping that i could see who is the owner of the baju melayu. It seems quite long to wait till i got tired. I stared at the baju again and i just remembered that pieces was *his* baju! But how..? We've never been talk a lot to each other all this time.
Later then, *he* came into my room to take his baju melayu. He smiles after saw me was hiding behind the door. Omg hensem doooo Im melting. Then i was real-awake. The end.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Ni hao ,
Finished high school past 2 years and I'm getting old years by years in Penang. So I'll return to my hometown when I am 20th. By that time i don't know if I'll be coming back to Penang again. Kinda sad when knowing I am about to left all these memories very soon 
And to left him.. Is my other worry. Hahaha sounds cliché.
"Kami boleh jumpa hampa lagi bila taw"
One of your source of happinesses is when you can make others happy too

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Birthday me yay!  Yayyyyy for the sweetest date 17/07/1997 
Thank you too all who'd wishes for me since yesterday and just now hehe. May Allah blessed us and ahead ❤
And i miss you misha ain sarah 
first cake given by my Amalina R
cheese cake by my An an

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014



I love you guys

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


say and doooo whatever things you want, because i am a stone i wouldnt feel happy nor hurt..

terima kasih kawan yang disayangi. 0p-------[p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (baby Oli tolong taipkan ni)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Cinta, ada 2:
1. Aku tak percaya cinta, aku tak percaya cinta, tak percaya c i n t a.
2. Memang benar aku sudah jatuh cinta, memang benar kata hati ku pada mu.
Hashtag EhTolonglah.
Kalau menanya:
1. Ada apa dengan cinta?
2. Normalkah untuk bercinta..?
3. Kenapa perlu bercinta?
1. Cinta adalah suatu kurniaan perasaan yg diberi oleh yg Maha Esa.
Hargainya. Celik ah pada cinta-Nya dan pada cinta manusia-manusia.
Jangan butakannya. Jangan melalui saat "cinta buta" kelak takut tak diredai-Nya.
2. Normal. Lagi-lagi kau generasi Y yang muda-muda yang belum tamat belajar mahupun bekerjaya tapi mampu menyara anak dara orang dan dah bersedia tampung dosa-dosa ramai.
3. Sebab bercinta, ada 2:
- untuk menjadi khalifah kepada keluarganya.
- sesaja nak couple takda tujuan saja buang masa.
Renungkan.. huhu bye.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Ni hao,

im gonna miss my roomates, floormates and all memories-had-in-a-year. Bcs of Allah we met, and bcs of Allah we'll remember each other. Kenangkan sahabat dalam doa mu, yup thatz.

kan ada dulu
suatu masa tu
kita terkenangkan apa yg bakal berlaku
selepas kau dan aku
tak lagi mata ke mata bertemu

sekarang cerita cinta kita
cukuplah tammat setahunnya..

aku masih di sini
habiskan baki setahun lagi
kau pst aku pdt
duduk sama rendah, belajar sama tinggi

pesan bonda ayah
makian orang jangan di endah
bangkit dan jangan mengalah
belajarlah belajarlah

ilmu hati dan ilmu duniawi
bagi imbang dalam diri
ingat Tuhan memerhati..

big thanks to Amisha, Sarah, Ain. The weirdos, craziest yet the cute princesses who'd being with me for a year. Zai jian 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Final exam.

less than 30 days,
dak dak matrix gonna end their study at here PMC (kmpp). - YAY\

another  2 months,
new student will enter here.

Ijie, the garang sister got a "Alhamdulillah" spm's result last days. and i's asked her to join me at here         "mai la study kat penang. matrik penang"
"ishh tak nak ah. jauh.."
"kalau dapat sini kena datang gak"
"buat rayuan pindah dekat sikit wahahaha"                          podah.

dear setahun lagi, please fly past.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dear boyfriend.

 First of all, I've no boyfriend (special-boy-in-the-heart). I've none, never had one, not in tadika/elementary/secondary/matrix school. Never. Whyyyyyyyyyyy on earth I've none?!
Labelled me nerdy freaky or even ugly-betty I don't give a damn, it's just the matter that I've no boyfriend nor end of the world. then why people seem so bloody wonder when someone-got-no-special-one I don't understand.. even at sweet 19th zzz...

reasons why I no fuging care about the matter of heartthrob aka lover;
  • I already have so many friends.
  • I know how to deal with myself. Alone. Only me and self.
  • I already got boy-friendssss, even they're not mine like forever but i don't care because none of them was husband in status... :b so a friend is still a friend. 
  • I love everyone. my cats also can be my specialmeow hehe.
  • I am so busy living this life to the fullest.
  • I am so confused and lost when someone tried to confess or trying some lame pickup lines with me because I dun understand any of it!! T^T ... so bubye to love story?
  • I've a lot of foods to be settled with.
  • I am currently pursuing my dreams and studying.. 
  • I am trying to walk near Him..
  • I am trying to love my own self.
  • I am seeking for greatest-man-to-be-with-me-forever.
  • aku seorang yg pemalas, to be frank, nak bercinta pun malas...
    In another word, Allah loves me. He gave me what I need instead from what I want
    So i guess it's okay to have a feeling towards someone. it is normal, fitrah manusia indeed. 
    I got that one person I used to love and he is my senior,
    but then our "special friendship" has gone (still he's not my boyfriend), disappeared blew with the wind.. that moment, I realized something..

    if we kept him/her in heart, that feeling may changes. because this little thing called the heart, always not in the permanent deal. so kept them in du'a. Insha Allah, one day Allah will grant your du'a  

    hehe, ND

    Saturday, January 18, 2014

    That somebody.

    Early in the morning,
    I'd a alone-walking,
    looking into the sky I'm wondering,
    By now what were you doing.

    If you noticed..

    In the class,
    I always wear the glasses,
    To stare at you never last,
    Pardon me fella.

    I hope so,
    I'll be in your thought too..
    Crossing of me every time, in your mind

    Kahkahkah baibai !

    Saturday, January 4, 2014

    A wonderful-year-to-be.


    With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.

    Dear Self, 
    Please have a happy-self.
