Friday, April 29, 2016

Upsr Camp.

On last Thursday (21st until 23rd April 2016), KKDK Utm was handling a motivational camp for a primary school student, Sekolah Agama Bukit Tongkat, Johor.

I was charged with welfare department. So last time, after we'd surveyed a few of cafes in Utm, with the director's approval (Kak Zulaina), I booked for Cesu Catering services. They served varieties of meals, that we can decide our own menus, also, the pricing was quite okay, suiting with our budget. I highly recommend Cesu Catering to everyone! :)

Another role I played during the camp was a facilitator (fasi tambahan XD). I mingled around with the kids when I got free time. Then, there is a group I was interested in taking care of, was group 5.  They were all are good kids, spontaneous, some of them quite a shy person, brave, and funny. One boy did ask me (that boy was not from my group), "Kaknad ada tangga tak?" then I asked him what for the tangga and he replied me "Saya nak panjat hati akak laa cia cia ciaa". Hahahahaha! That really surprised me. He's just a kid, how come he knew about the pick-up lines.
Oh, then I remembered, there was a thing called  television at their home. Yeah, they did watch the TV shows. I almost forgot about the existence of television tho T^T...

Some of these kids asked me if I am really a form 5 student (17 years old).
Am I really looks that young or I am just too short to be 20th?
Huhuhuhu! XD

Thursday, April 28, 2016

NORM '16.

Night Of Renowned Mathematician 2016, #NORM16

Oh Allah,
Bless our friendship.
Bless our study.
Bless every moment we spend together.
Bless us all.

Purify our hearts.
Make every each of us, having that good feeling and intention towards everyone.
Make we remember; to appreciate every single time and person we meet today.
Because, every person is different and unique in their own way.
And of course, no ones know what tomorrow could bring.

 If I have to leave this world early, I just wanted to say,
I'm sorry for all my wrong doings towards everyone. And let's meet in the other world. 

That's all. Tata