Friday, June 1, 2012

Hello peeps ;)

Trial just around the corner, 2 months to go ~
Somebody could says "Eh 2 months lambat lagi lah, lekluu"
 Aha, lekluu? What was that? A kuih that can feed your anxious feelings? No brahh, no.
By saying that, it just make me stay like I'm used to be now. No serious action I could take for the rest of my life, till I start to change .___. Yeah change (!)
I tried to schedule my works for a whole one day. Been arranged what I supposed to do each an hour. Do follow strictly the timetable. But le me wasn't good enough in follow-ing the arranged. I do what I want. I says what I want. Everything is as what as I think and I want. For sure, I thought for many things. Huuuuuur -.- So the timetable just being nice sticked at the wall waiting for me to stare on them XD Aha sorry man, please give me more time to become more discipline :) *Bimbing hambaMU ini Ya Allah. -Amin.

Since May and past few months were shoo sucked, then now I wouldn't expect for June to be more better  >///< TAAAAAAAAAAPI, WELCOME JUNE :*

By the way thanks to adik Ijjati Hanani Raihano Amino Ikram Rudyno Meyra for er err. Be at my side for this few days? Ahahaha! and I miss doraemon =.= Luwls, #Rahim's ~ K and do tweet me on twitaa, maybe we could become friend ;)
*chuckle tetiba*
, ND.


Mira Kagimoto said...

thank you comment my entry :)
follow u..btw, good luck in your SPM ^^

Namika said...

Hihi, thankyou ;D Heww inshaAllah.