Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Kampung: part 1.

Nenek's stories//.

Sooo, me now at kampung and still jobless. Nenek shared her story with us when she was in Beijing, China. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh me get so jealous >///< It's winter now. The white-cold-cotton falling down, melt before hit the ground. ALLAHUAKHBAR. How nice the environment.. *i just see the picture* The calmness, the pale blueness, the pureness of the sky.. Allah created such a lovely earth for us. For a human being to keep it safety. To ensure the peacefully. But then why we must destroyed it? Why we were so busy digging the core? Think it..
"Jika Allah SWT menurunkan al-Quran kepada sebuah gunung, nescaya gunung itu akan runtuh, kerana tidak mampu memikulnya. Maka Allah SWT menurunkan al-Quran kepada umat manusia, untuk memeliharanya serta menegakkan Agama-Nya, ISLAM".
So me have to pen off now, till we meet again. Much love, ND.

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