Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Assalammualaikum.. Hi :)

Hari ni teman Nawal jumpa ayah dia kat Masai, masih dalam area JB la huhu. Kami keluar lepas maghrib dan terus cari hotel tempat ayahnya stay. Ayah Nawal fly dari KL ke JB sebab ada meeting ke apa macam tu la. Dalam perjalanan tu kitorang pompang pompang laa untuk pecahkan ice between us two! XD

We were actually never been this close in the previous school. She was in another class and I'm in KRK, even during our upper form we both in different streams. Nawal datang sekolah tu masa kami di tingkatan dua. For a new student, she was quite famous at that time and her mom was our superb English teacher. Mula-mula tak boleh go on sangat dengan Nawal ni sebab dia mcm poyonya~ Tapi lama-lama nampak karekter dia jenis yang hyper pastu cakap banyak (dengan certain people yang dia rasa selesa je la kot ahaha). Sepanjang beberapa tahun sekolah bersama-sama, setakat Hi-Bye bila selisih kat corridor selalu la. Kalau nak lepak atau borak tu jauh sekali! Aku pun dak nerdy dulu, enjoyed my time spending together with LGG (Ira, Tasha, Aina, Mar, Alia, Fatin, Kaklang aka Shakilla) most time. Takpun lepak dalam koop dengan Ira sebab kitorang pengawas hijau (pengawas koperasi dan aku jarang pakai uniform tu sebab orang pernah cakap aku pokok bergerak! Pastu sekarang susah nak cari balik gambar zaman aku jadi pengawas hijau T^T). Jadi untuk tidak meleret, after finished high school, she continued with Diploma and I went to Kmpp. Tamat matrikulasi, aku sambung degree kat UTM... Then one day dia nampak aku tweet fasal #TipsMasukU kot, pastu aku tag #UTMAwesome pastu dia macam excited, rupanya she was accepted to further her study in UTM too. Since that day we continue our Hi-Bye again but this time maybe as friends not acquantainces anymore! Hahahahahahaha... Insha Allah.

P/s: Alhamdulillah for the dinner. Rezeki :) Kitorang dua pun tak tahu ayah dia ada meeting kat Senibong Seafood Village ni.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Legoland, JB.

Yesterday, the girls and I went to Legoland Malaysia. Rented two cars to go there and my driver was Umi Haryantie. I must say she is an excellent manual-driver! Thank you, girls. It was a great experience!

The girls

Ponn ponnnn!!!

Mini Star Wars museum.

I can see my reflection there xD

Sunday, September 4, 2016

RIP sembreak.


My sem break is over and now I'm going back to UTM . My pointer was not super great but you know a person does not receive a gold medal all the time. I mean, we will not always be on the top forever, right? The choices we make lead up to actual experiences and last time, I decided to take this lazy path. It is not cool to be dumb. I used to be great on this subject before. I'm continuing to do my BSc in Maths because my families, teachers, and friends told me that I have a mathematic brain and maybe I can go further with it... Did I just compliment myself? Hahahaha! Why not :P
The true thing is we see the world differently. We live the world differently. So just don't give up. I am sure I am not a failure. Fail once doesn't mean fail forever. Keep going, get up, stand on your feet, aim, and chase. That's all. Yeah... and more important is, be kind to everyone. Peace :)

Always live your life to the fullest! 

Have a nice day.