Sunday, May 29, 2011

A kid

When i was a a kid...

I have one lovely barbie doll 
It was given from my maksu on my 10th birthday :) 
Unfortunately, that barbie was died and the murder was me myself  *sorry maksu*

Sehari dua aku berbaik-baik dgn miss barbie, hari ketiga aku mula tunjuk Hero!
Aku modified miss barbie. Aku botak kan kepala dia. Rambut panjang yg cantik mengurai aku tambahkan lagi colour hitam. Pipinya yg pink, lagi aku merahkan dgn lipstick my mom *sorry umi* ~ Kakinya yg tinggi, i draw a tattoo by using dad's marker pen *thank you ayah*... Yeah! Who asked you to be cantik in front of me?!

Hasilnya, seorang model generasi orang gua. Dengan perasan takut dimarahi dan untuk menutup kesalahan, aku simpan miss barbie di tempat paling tersembunyi... 
Dalam tempayan yg ayah hias bawah tv *thank you again ayah*
Then one day, my mom have found miss barbie.
With none innocent face, aku senyum and said... 
Umi, you want to know something? It just for a cute girls who play with a doll. I don't want to be like that. I better love my spiderman selipar yg ayah gave :) 
Btw umi, im jealous with her beautifulness. So umi, err actually im scared. Then, my mom asked me. Whether i want to keep or buang that miss barbie? The answer surely, buang. Aha, yea bye.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Teachers Day

Hari ini sekolah aku adakan sambutan Hari Guru  
Since that we are busy with our examination, so this event was not so awesome as i thought. -Busy- CUMA, the shows was shoo great! 
Tarian zapin from abg and his fella! Linda comel oh with her purple baju kurung  
Dinni was the choreographer  yeah. Gaya Jawa tersangat bersemangat, semua focus pada dia lol. Then sketsa from our junior. Woa lagi ah, kelakar je. Jalan cerita mcm tak logik, kesian cikgu Puan geografi ya. Tapi cool juga persembahan mereka. 
Hee yg agak lagi cooool, tarian cikgu-cikgu  
Puan kamariah, puan zurida etc. Gempak comel ya mereka ini di atas pentas.
Okay, then habis. Time rehat jumpa amoi cina  Ya, kami memang takut if terserempak dgn budak ini... 
Tapi hari bahagiakan, so layan je. Yeah rupanya, budak ini memang hebat. 
Dia se-geng dgn aku  actually she was form 1 student xD Ehe!

Ketika balik, Masaru adlan paan geng form5 *lelaki sahaja* menyekat laluan dgn gaya freeze movement. Yeah, Smart!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Study pizik.

Petang tadi study Physic dgn Aina. Tapi hanani, karmimi, mie buat latihan EA. Sebelum belajar, budak tiga ni act funny dpn aku xD ~ memanglah, aku gelakgelak je tengok dorang. Dandan, aku sendiri dah terabaikan Physic. Okay, then aku sambung study. Haiseh, apa je la subjek ni -..- Kalau boleh, nak je aku kunyah buku latihan tu~
Kalau boleh la. After penat aku paksa otak ni buat soalan tu sendiri, aku give up!
*urghhhhhhhhh* Kemudian Hanani panggil Mizan~ Okay yg itu aku tak kesah. Tp yg aku rasa nak bagi kaki tu time amin, izzat bantai pandang aku, jerit panggil nama aku Rudy! Adeshhhh. Dei korang! MyToeUp xD
Aku selamba badak aku je lah, pergi ke meja kak Asimah plus kak rafhanah. Yeah, satu kerusi kosong. Depan Adlan la tapi~ *he singing woa!* Hahaha. Dahdah! Okay alang tu, mintak senior-senior terer Physic ni ajar kami budak form4. Alhamdulillah, dpt jugak aku tangkap...
Time library tutup, kita orang turun bawah. Duduk kat tangga lobby~ Dandan turun lak hujan -..- Dandan lagi nak dekat pukul 6... So lps tu aku, kak asimah, Budin dgn Izat berlari mcm budak comel dlm hujan lebat xD *tak boleh ohh*

p/s: Yang budin tu aku tak tahu bila dia ada dgn kita orang. Sudden, series tetiba ada kat belakang aku. -...- dia mulalah, bila nmpk aku je start lah buat style gay dia. WTfish -.- *gurauuu* 

Monday, May 16, 2011

A year already

Since 15 may 2010. A year has passed...
The date where im started change.
1) From someone nerdy, then became to someone that
im not really sure what *InsyaAllah still with dignity*
2) Im start talking to many people *not too many actually*
3) and berkawan dengan senior - - . . - -
Yes i know! Ini agak menggelabah. Apahell hairan aku? *Okay guraun melampau*
Hm maybe just that yg aku nak rungkaikan tentang tarikh yg reallydamn aku cinta ni *series*... Makin jauh aku fikir hal tahun lepas, makin sadis aku rasa. First words tu aku nak tukar : I will not swear anything , but I'll TRY my hard to not to blablabla ^^

Anddd attention peeps, even though aku ckp sadis tak bermakna satu ISU itu. Actually, im just thinking how happy we are when we still together in that class. The ever awesome classmate i had. If i want to share the whole story at here, memang keluarlah segala ayat Belanda Jawa yg bertapak kt Selangor ini. So better aku hanya maklum kat sini, yang aku ---> Really miss my childhood, that superdupper KRK batch 2008 (': and miss my every single stuff before reach upper form ni =..-
form4 suchasadis. Doraemonnn, cpt lah keluarkan mesin masaaa! *kalau boleh lah kn :(*

Afif . Ikhmal . Thivaraj . Naif . Farhan .
Hazrul . Khairul . Rizuan . Amir Af . Eshuwar .
Sittarth . Shalini . Shakilla . Hanani . Khairun .
.Yoga . Shuba . Raihana . Nazirah . Afiqah .
Marlissa . Karmimi . Alia . Shahira . Aina . Aminah
Hannah . Atiqah T . Ili . Syazwani . Najwa .

Sunday, May 15, 2011

-Say something

Yes. As usual, everyone keep saying Past is Past~ Past was History
and we shouldn't think bout it anymore. It just a Burden. *Removeyou removeyou removeyou!*
*Deletyou Deletyou!* Okay enough. That's true, people often do like that.
Especially those who having heartbroken situation.
But for me, we still can think bout that past. Why must forget? Just act that was a joke.
A silly prank, even the idiot joke we had with friends~ maybe between boys and girls... and so on
Haha c(: Whether that senior human really thought im ahead from them? Hee, relax sudah. Series la aku katakan, tak pernah pula aku rasa nak jadi budak bajet TOP, HOT segala bagai.
I know who I am~ InsyaAllah* Im so sorry *ada yg pedulik, ke?* Btw, MAAF to anyone yg rasa aku sombong, konon budak kelas 4***, hidung tinggi, blablabla, bajet comel <--- bak kata izzat yg mulut mcm kawah dodol... dan lain-lain. Okay, ya? Sorry

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

Hi umi, mummy, mom, mama !
May God bless every sacrifice you have done for Us.
Sacrifice for dad... children and everyone.
Without you... where should i stay, when i just a cloth of bloods.
Without you who willing to pregnant... Then give birth.
Thank you.
Although there was a lot of pressure you had to face every single time c(:
lagi-lagi pula, im not too normal since i was born.
Daughter yg rupa mcm prince handsome ni -.- Memanglah, konon hyperactive.

Anyway, Happy Umi Day

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hari Keusahawanan

Hari ni sekolah ada hari keusahawan. Dikatakan bertujuan untuk mengumpul dana sekolah (:  Haa ta kesah lah tu. Hari ni stall aku jual Waffle. Kelab rukunegara (puan aminah), bersama-sama Kak mastura fiqa aqilah, alia, shahira, nazirah, aina, syakir, mimi and so on. Hee excited! Tapi agak kelam-kabut, hm tkp lah~ Enjoy (:

Cikgu BM (puan salmah rejab) buka stall charkeuwtew *mcm mana tah eja* 
Kak fatin pula, buahan blanded (: hee first minum agak ganjil rasanya... itu pun kat puan azaz, time akhir-akhir. Imagine, apple+asam+limaunipis= (dikisar) anyway, yg ganjil tu la best.
Area stall aku ada juga jual ais kepal. Actually i dont know what the different between ais kepal and ABC -.- hmm. Hee kay hamizan yg jaga gerai tu. Hehe aku panggil kedai ACB~ 
Sebelah lg ada kotak besi --' rupanya machine buat ice cream (kak dhiana)

aku mula bertapak ke kawasan perhimpunan. Terjumpa gerai ....... *ta tahu nama* izzat tuang air, Dolah diri tepi. Kawan aku da tanya air apa air apa, pastu Dola ckp air kambing -.- *aku dgr da geli*
Lama jugak aku nak tahu apa nama air tu, last sekali izzat bg tahu, air campur-campur. Aku nmpk atas meja dorg ada something mcm kuah. Dola tgh duduk situ~ 

nur: we, er ni apa?
dola: ... *pandang* haa?
nur: haa kuah sate ea?
dola: haa? a'a *sambil tengok sekali* 
nur: ouh, sate da habis weh *pusing ckp dgn kwn*
dola + lain lain: erk, *lol* 
nur: -.- 
shahira: eh. er weh itu bukan kuah sate lah --' 
nur: -.- tapi
dola: *lol* hahah, itu makaroni blabla lah *memang ==. hilang mood aku

hari ni~ gembirasedihketawabersama
aku malas na fikir orang sekeliling yg blablabla -.- *sedang jaga mulut*
hm td ada gak nmpk beberapa makhluk luar yg melawat *bukan parents* 
hee tak kesah lah. ENjoy sekolah kami


Friday, May 6, 2011

Si biasa

before i do my post, i would like to give comment bout this facebook ~
ouu damnfreakingshit -.- *okay, enough*
fb getting annoying lately. *adesh*
you know what? i have to open mozilla and google chrome to login my fb, wtfish!
i dont know if my internet connection or this fb got problem now, urgh

{Si biasa}

As a human being, all of us never escape from facing a problem(s)
Sometime it's about our feeling, people around, our study and so on.
Some individual can pass through their problem finely and some of others cannot.
So learn from the past.

Everyday the things always being the same, if we dont do anything to get better. Wake up! Chill with your life... past is past! *also known as History* Take it easy, think it positively.

Actually, i also try to be the better one.
Sebenarnya aku ta mahir sgt dlm bab pujuk hati and diri aku sendiri.
Some problem i've to take more than 5 months or even a years to forget --'
it depends on our effort and ourselves actually~
anyway berusahalah tabahkan diri, kuatkan keyakinan, bersabar, make ourselves close to God... etc~
then insyaAllah, He will show and give us the best way (:

-kebahagiaan bukan pada Orang sekeliling-
*and still searching for the real meaning of this words*
bbye by > DiNo

Sunday, May 1, 2011

-Cara aku

if i got stranded with problems... (it's about perasaan / hati) ~
i try to :
1) do something that can make me feel the freedom. example like this :
fhgsdj fiesta de 5 s.
macam menyanyi, menari, melukis~ anything, as long that activities can give me a peaceful! yeA

2) sibukkan diri dgn apa apa perkara. memandangkan aku ni bukan seorang yg rajin buat kerja rumah , contohnya menyapu, mengemas blabla so aku ambil peluang ni untuk jadi Rajin. bangun pagi-pagi, buat itu buat ini. act mcm aku tinggal bersendiri :D

3) rajin rajin lah bercakap dgn diri sendiri. beri kata-kata semangat, motivasi and so on.
better buat depan cermin ~ tp jgn over sgt la, nnt nmpk mcm orang ta sihat pula

4) i try think positive, past was history~ <-- yg ini paling sadis aku na tetapkan dlm otak

5) percaya dgn apa yg jadi bersebab. ta semestinya kita clash / bercinta akan mendatangkan disaster / kebahagiaan. ada orang ta couple, tp bahagia *even as a friend*
kena sedar yg itu. kita dpt sesuatu / seseorang, tp ta kekal~ Tuhan ambil balik... mengapa? itulah persoalannya. itu bermaksud sesorang atau sesuatu itu ta boleh disimpan disayang oleh diri kita.
maybe he / she was for someone else. think more deep.
continue . . .

goodnite fella > DiNo


im going to pwtc this morning. okay, i followed librarian/ SPBT trip.
*excited* a lot of book there (: jumpa mas dgn izzat, budak 4C blabla. tak ramai sgt yg perasan, sebab i dont use my spectacles that time~
em i bought a lot of novel, and i dont know why i buy such that book.
pagi pagi td Mir text. okay excited lagi!
but since that, both of us not really know each other so we dont have any idea to make a talk. *alaa* but what can i do. maybe he still trauma.
lagipun dia still sayang kakak tu <-- i guess?
beside dia baru clash, i dont want people label him as something bad label.
hur. maybe i should forget it. sudahlah.
anyway this Pameran Buku Antarabangsa KL (PBAKL) *mcm ini la kut, entah* was really awesome!

end, by DiNo