Friday, May 6, 2011

Si biasa

before i do my post, i would like to give comment bout this facebook ~
ouu damnfreakingshit -.- *okay, enough*
fb getting annoying lately. *adesh*
you know what? i have to open mozilla and google chrome to login my fb, wtfish!
i dont know if my internet connection or this fb got problem now, urgh

{Si biasa}

As a human being, all of us never escape from facing a problem(s)
Sometime it's about our feeling, people around, our study and so on.
Some individual can pass through their problem finely and some of others cannot.
So learn from the past.

Everyday the things always being the same, if we dont do anything to get better. Wake up! Chill with your life... past is past! *also known as History* Take it easy, think it positively.

Actually, i also try to be the better one.
Sebenarnya aku ta mahir sgt dlm bab pujuk hati and diri aku sendiri.
Some problem i've to take more than 5 months or even a years to forget --'
it depends on our effort and ourselves actually~
anyway berusahalah tabahkan diri, kuatkan keyakinan, bersabar, make ourselves close to God... etc~
then insyaAllah, He will show and give us the best way (:

-kebahagiaan bukan pada Orang sekeliling-
*and still searching for the real meaning of this words*
bbye by > DiNo

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