The date where im started change.
1) From someone nerdy, then became to someone that
im not really sure what *InsyaAllah still with dignity*
2) Im start talking to many people *not too many actually*
3) and berkawan dengan senior - - . . - -
Yes i know! Ini agak menggelabah. Apahell hairan aku? *Okay guraun melampau*
Anddd attention peeps, even though aku ckp sadis tak bermakna satu ISU itu. Actually, im just thinking how happy we are when we still together in that class. The ever awesome classmate i had. If i want to share the whole story at here, memang keluarlah segala ayat Belanda Jawa yg bertapak kt Selangor ini. So better aku hanya maklum kat sini, yang aku ---> Really miss my childhood, that superdupper KRK batch 2008 (': and miss my every single stuff before reach upper form ni =..-
form4 suchasadis. Doraemonnn, cpt lah keluarkan mesin masaaa! *kalau boleh lah kn :(*
Afif . Ikhmal . Thivaraj . Naif . Farhan .
Hazrul . Khairul . Rizuan . Amir Af . Eshuwar .
Sittarth . Shalini . Shakilla . Hanani . Khairun .
.Yoga . Shuba . Raihana . Nazirah . Afiqah .
Marlissa . Karmimi . Alia . Shahira . Aina . Aminah
Hannah . Atiqah T . Ili . Syazwani . Najwa .
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