Okay, nowadays i feel that you are just pretending to be my bestfriends.
Maybe not the ever bestfriend~ Hur, aha ok. I stop thought bad on you.
At first aku tak kisah kawan... Tak kisah sangat~ Tapi benda macam freakingshit. Keep being suck eveyone. Teruskan teruskan. Sorry (!)
Tapi, others keep told me the same things since last year. Aku tak kenal kau, kau kawan baru aku time itu, lagipun kelas kita dekat-dekat je time tu.
Ya, semua tentang time itu...
But later, i dont really remember how we can be closed. Mungkin sebab perjumpaan manja aku dengan kelas korang dulu? Mungkin juga sebab aku dengan abangkakak senior dulu? *ROFL* Mungkin juga... banyak pertanyaan dan aku malas melayan, walaupun semua pertanyaan itu datangnya dari diri aku sendiri. Ya kawan kenalan, all about you. Im starting to trust you. But, maybe only me who act you like that. Aku tak kisah sebenarnya
*Tipu. Kalau aku tak kisah, so i wont write bout you*
Bila fikir balik... noktah noktah noktah! Aku tak nak fikir, malas.
#Stand at the steep girls, so that i wont see you here anymore. Ehh -.-
It's okay. Just let me do that meaningless, wordless and the ever nonsense joke. HAHA!
p/s: I forgot how the way im used to laugh like crazy kid on the moon.
*hm apa ni~*
I'll always smile. It's okay 
some people they are just play angel and make that innocent face. be tough ye girl ;)
Ana Raffali Berpura-pura?
Teguran Ikhlas Dari Seorang Lelaki Untuk Wanitanya
Hur thank you. I'll try (:
But my life now getting weird, surely bout my friends... also with people around.
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